Our financial experts offer services in the fileds of:

  • Accounting
    • Assistance for successful accounting and finance management   
    • Preparation of accounting reports in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation and standards
    • Preparation of accounting reports in accordance with the international accounting standards
    • Consultancy on accounting
    • Accounting for firms
    • Processing of renumeration schemas
    • Participation in inventory management and other procedures for internal audit and control
  • Financial Audit
    • Limited review of financial accounts
    • Carrying out  of contract procedures
    • Internal audit
    • Special purpose audit
    • Independent financial audit (verification and certification of annual financial accounts  )
  • Training and Education
    • Accounting
    • Accounting software
    • Tax policy
    • Company management
    • Theory of Economics in the marketplace
    • Enterprise management economics
  • Consulting in:
    • Tax legislation
    • Social security funds
    • Preparation and review of tax declarations
    • Agreements for avoiding double tax payment
    • Tax planning
    • Preparation of Business plans